Willard Linder

Willard Linder

Induction Date: 01/01/2001

Carrying on the fine tradition established by his father Harry, Willard Linder enjoyed a long and distinguished career sin broadcasting. He trained at the Beck Radio School, and in 1940, at age 19, became a staff announcer at the station his father had just founded, KWLM Willmar. He joined the US Navy in 1942 and served as a radio and radar instructor. In 1946 he returned to Willmar and rejoined the family business with his father and brother, Don. He earned a first class FCC radio license and put his engineering skills to work in the construction of KMHL Marshall. The family later built and operated KDMA Montevideo, KWLM FM Willmar (now KQIC) and KMHL FM Marshall. With three sons now assisting, he entered into a franchise agreement that brought Muzak to a large area of central Minnesota via a KWLM FM subcarrier. He retired in the early 1990s, turning over his ownership of Lakeland Broadcasting and Business Music to his sons. He served on the board of directors of the Minnesota Broadcasters Association and was active in many community organizations.

Bill Linder passed away October 1, 2013, at the age of 92.


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