External Resources
External Resources
Looking for something? We’ve compiled a list of external resources to help you find what you need.
Table of Contents
General Electronics Parts
Radio Parts, Tubes, etc
Antique Electronic Supply (AZ) offers a wide selection of radio, amplifier, guitar parts, tubes, “can” capacitors, and reproduction parts.
JustRadios (Canada) is run by Dave and Babylyn Cantelon and is a popular vendor of capacitors and resistors for tube radios.
Hayseed Hamfest (IA) is run by Tom Farland, N0JMY and offers multi-section and custom “can” capacitors.
Ask Jan First (Germany) is run by Jan Philipp Wüsten and offers an extensive selection of “can” capacitors, parts, and tubes.
Find-A-Tube (OH) is run by Bob Dobush and offers a large selection of new-old-stock and used tubes.
Tube Depot (TN) sells many new production hi-fi and guitar amplifier tubes.
Radio Electric Supply (FL) is run by Roy and Dale Rogalski and offers a huge selection of new-old-stock tubes.
Vacuum Tubes, Inc. (FL) offers a large selection of new and new-old-stock tubes.
The Tube Store (Canada) offers new production, new-old-stock hi-fi, and guitar amplifier tubes.)
Tube Testing:
T/C Tubes (St. Paul, MN) sells audio, hi-fi, and guitar amplifier tubes and offers tube testing services with high-end tube testing equipment.
HeyBoer Transformers (MI) sells pre-made, custom, and transformer rewinding service.
Hammond Manufacturing (International) sells transformers and enclosures sold via electronics distributors.
EDCORÂ (NM) sells pre-made and custom transformers.
Hammond Manufacturing (International) sells transformers, enclosures, sold via electronics suppliers.
Front Panel Express (WA) sells enclosures, and you can design your own front panel.
Vintage Radio Parts, Tubes, etc.:
Surplus Sales of Nebraska (NE)Â sells new and new-old-stock electronic parts.
Volume Controls:
Old Radio Parts (MI) sells volume controls, volume control repair, custom builds, and radio parts.
Speaker Repair
Midwest Speaker (Roseville, MN) offers speaker parts, repair, and recone services.
Reproduction Parts
Radio Backs (NY) sells reproduction masonite/MDF radio backs.
Dial Covers (GA) sells reproduction plastic “bubble” dial covers and is run by Mark Palmquist.
Renovated Radios (MI) sells reproduction knobs and rubber parts.
Radio Daze (NY) sells many reproduction parts, reproduction dials, and decals.
Radiola Guy (OR) is run by Sonny Clutter and offers reproduction brochures, battery labels, and decals.
RadioGrilleCloth.com (NY) is run by Michael Katz and sells reproduction radio grille cloth.
Sundial Wire (MA) sells reproduction cloth covered wire, plugs, and accessories.
Grand Brass (CT) sells reproduction lamp parts and wire.
Battery Eliminators
Antique Radios, Inc. (MI) offers “ARBE III” A-B-C battery set power supplies.
Radio Repair
Tom and Tim Moen (Jordan, MN). Send inquiries to [email protected] for radio sales and repair.
Vintage Music Company (Minneapolis, MN) offers phonographs, radios, repair, and 78 records.
Car Radio Repair/Conversions
Tayman Electrical (FL) is owned by Gary Tayman and offers repair and conversion of vintage car radios.
Cabinet Refinishing
Bruce Lach (MI) specializes in radio refinishing and has a youtube channel.
Ackerman’s Furniture Service (Burnsville, MN) is a fine furniture repair, refinishing, and upholstery shop.
Schematic, Service Information
World Radio History hosts an enormous amount of scanned vintage radio magazines, books, and service information.
Nostalgia Air hosts Riders 1920s-1950s service information and is easy to navigate, but has lower quality scans.
World Radio History Riders Manuals hosts Riders 1920s-1950s service information and high quality scans, but 100+ page PDFs can be slow to load.
World Radio History Beitmans Manuals hosts Beitmans 1920s-1970s high quality scans, but 100+ page PDFs can be slow to load.
Radio Museum is a huge international radio information site with information/photo downloading.
SAMS Photofacts hosts post-1945 service information. SAMS is still in business and will provide Photofacts for a fee.
Hennepin County Library SAMS Photofacts hosts post-1945 SAMS Photofacts that are accessible with a Hennepin County Library card.
Mallory-Yaxley Radio Encyclopedia Database is a resource to look up a radio’s make and model number based on its tube compliment.
Boat Anchor Manual Archive (BAMA)Â tests equipment and offers communications equipment equipment manuals.
Tubular Electronics Heathkit Manuals hosts public domain Heathkit manuals.
Vintage Radio Info Heathkit Manuals is a UK based site that hosts Heathkit manuals.
Frank’s Electron Tube Data offers tube datasheets for thousands of tube types.
Radio Attic Archives has thousands of radio photos arranged by make and model number. It is useful for identifying radios.
Online Radio Related Forums
Antique Radio Forum is the largest antique radio forum on the web.
Video Karma hosts vintage television and radio forums.
Audio Karma hosts vintage and new audio media and equipment forum.
Philco Phorum is the Philco brand radio forum.
E.H. Scott Enthusiasts is a E.H. Scott brand radio forum.
West-Tech Services (OH) sells phonograph parts, and they offer cartridge rebuilding.
Vintage Music Company (Minneapolis, MN) sells phonographs, radios, and 78 records. They also have repair services.
The Voice of Music (MI) is run by Gary Stork and sell phonograph parts.
Discogs (Online) hosts media data and the buying and selling of varioius music medias.
Mainspring Press (CO, Online) is a 78 discographical book publisher. They have several free online book downloads.
The Online Discographical Project features at-a-glance discographical information for American 78 RPM records.
Discography of American Historical Recordings (DAHR)Â (U of CA Santa Barbara) hosts audio recordings and extensive discographical information of American 78 RPM records.)
UCSB Cylinder Audio Archive (U of CA Santa Barbara) hosts audio recordings and extensive discographical information of American cylinder records.
Media Conversion Services
Astound (Twin Cities, MN) offers digital transcription of video tape, film, photos, slides, CD, DVD, audio tape, cassette, 8-track, records, CD, and DAT.
DCVideo (CA) is owned by David Crosthwait and offers video tape transcriptions, including early formats.
EndPoint Audio Labs (CA) is owned by Nicholas Bergh and offers audio and film sound restoration and transcription services.
Minnesota Media Arts (MN)Â fosters the production, preservation, and access to works of media arts, documentaries, and independent programming from the area.
Richard L. Hess (Canada) offers audio tape repair and transcriptions.