Rod Hurd

Rod Hurd

Induction Date: 01/01/2001

One of the industry’s most colorful characters, Rod Hurd was a pioneer and a leader in southeastern Minnesota broadcasting. After serving in the US Navy during World War II, he began his broadcasting career as an announcer and salesman for stations in Iowa, South Dakota, and later managed KFJB Marshalltown, Iowa, and KSFH FM San Francisco, California. He came to KWNO Winona in 1950. He became co-owner in 1961 and served as president and general manager until retiring in 1986. He was a member of the Minnesota Broadcasters Association board of directors for many years, enjoyed tennis and golf, and was active in many civic organizations. He was also known for his unfettered and unconventional editorials about local issues, one of which even appeared in the national press in the “Dear Abby” column.

Rod Hurd passed away October 19, 1992.


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