Patrick Reusse

Patrick Reusse

Induction Date: 01/01/2019

Patrick Reusse’s radio career started with KFAM-AM in St. Cloud in the mid-‘60s. He was a rookie sports writer at the St. Cloud Times, and would receive $5 for providing commentary on the broadcasts of St. Cloud area athletic events.

Reusse left the Times in 1968, moved to the St. Paul Pioneer Press and made his radio comeback in 1981, partnering with Joe Soucheray on KSTP-AM’s Sunday Night Sports Talk. The show was dropped after 13 months.

A second chance for Reusse and Soucheray came in September 1983 with Monday Night Sports Talk. The show was dominated by callers offering impersonations, audio skits and general irreverence, and became such a cult hit that this occurred one evening:

Gov. Rudy Perpich called to report he had been selling Minnesota as the “Brain State’’ to a passenger interested in relocating a business to our state, but the Governor had Monday Night Sports Talk tuned in on the car radio and now his pitch was ruined.

Reusse and Soucheray shared the Hubbard airwaves – together or independently – over the next 35 years. Through what became a long KSTP career, Reusse said his main pre-show thought rarely varied from this:

“What are we going to laugh about today?”


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