Mark Durenberger

Mark Durenberger

Induction Date: 01/01/2001

Mentor and inventor, teacher, technical author and futurist, Mark Durenberger is an important figure in the development of new technologies in the broadcast industry. His distinguished career includes engineering work at Saint Cloud stations KFAM and WJON, Twin Cities stations WLOL, WCCO, WCCO-FM (now WLTE), and Hubbard Broadcasting (KSTP and KOB Albuquerque, New Mexico). He also worked at Sound 80 Studios as a recording engineer, and at Direct Broadcast Satellite pioneer United States Satellite Broadcasting. He managed Teleport Minnesota, a world-class satellite/fiber-optic facility, and was a key player in the technical development of Midwest Sports Channel (MSC). Most recently he has worked to develop satellite delivery of internet services to developing countries. A contributor to leading trade journals and designer of teaching curricula for major media seminars, he has gained wide recognition for his promotion of his profession, and for supporting and enabling those seeking new challenges and opportunities in broadcasting.


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