Don Swartz

Don Swartz

Induction Date: 01/01/2001

Don Swartz was a true pioneer in broadcasting and entertainment, one of the first television syndicators and later the leader of one of the country’s most successful independent television stations.

His career began in the film distribution business in the late 1930s. He entered television in its infancy in the early 1950s when he began distributing films and other programming to television stations. In 1957 he joined with National Telefilm Associates in acquiring what is now KMSP TV Minneapolis/Saint Paul, and later became president of United Television, which owned stations in Salt Lake City, Utah, San Antonio, Texas, and San Francisco, California, as well as KMSP. Under his leadership, the station acquired an ABC affiliation in 1960. When it became an independent again in 1979, he helped it become one of the best known and most successful independents, reaching eight states over cable systems.

He was also active in the community serving as President of the University of Minnesota Heart Hospital and the Temple of Aaron Synagogue.

Don passed away March 15th, 2014, at the age of 98.


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