Arthur Hoehn
Arthur Hoehn’s forty-year career in broadcasting began at KSJU, the student station at St. John’s University. After graduation he worked for two years at the commercial classical station KWFM in south Minneapolis. From 1963 to 1966 he worked variously at KFAM FM in St. Cloud, KUXL in Golden Valley, and then WAYL and WLOL in Minneapolis. In 1966 he moved to Mexico for a job at the 250,000-watt border-blaster station XERB, where he worked with Bob Smith, a.k.a. Wolfman Jack. The next year Arthur returned to a position at KSJR, the flagship station of what would become Minnesota Public Radio. He became MPR’s first classical music announcer, and remained in service until his retirement in 2002, introducing hundreds of thousands of people to the joy of classical music along the way. For more than a dozen years he was host of MPR’s satellite-syndicated Music through the Night and played key roles in the initial announcing and production of MPR’s Minnesota Orchestra and St. Paul Chamber Orchestra broadcasts, as well as in Music from Minnesota Colleges broadcasts, the Happenings public service programs, and the Saturday Morning Show.  Arthur deservedly earned a reputation for not only his knowledge-filled on-air presentations and command of the language, but also for his wit and warmth.