Planned Giving
Electronic communication is more important that ever!
It touches every corner of our lives and is the driving force behind our modern world. Its possibilities as we move into the future are truly endless. That’s why it is more important than ever to understand where we came from, and where we’re going. The Pavek Museum illustrates the history of electronic communications and how every advancement brought the world one step closer to today.
Leave a Lasting Legacy
Help preserve the history of electronic communication and the broadcasting industry, including the people and technology that made it come to life. Encourage the next generation of scientists, engineers, and broadcast professionals by shining a light on those pioneers who came before. Support programming directed at people of all ages and interests, from science workshops to media history.
Support the Pavek Museum in your Estate Planning
Show your dedication to the people and technology that created modern communications; promote learning and education. Contribution amounts can be modified at any time. Estate giving preserves funds for lifetime needs. It’s easy to include the Pavek in your will or estate plan.

Example Language for trusts and wills:
I give and devise to Pavek Museum of Broadcasting, a not-for-profit corporation of the State of Minnesota, ________percent of my estate (or the residue of my estate; or the sum of $_______, or the properties, securities, etc. described herein) to be used for its unrestricted purposes or its endowment.
Full Legal Name: Pavek Museum of Broadcasting
Federal Tax ID-EIN: 41-1573809
Address: 3515-17 Raleigh Ave. St. Louis Park, Mn 55416
Certain charitable donations may have tax advantages; please consult your lawyer or tax professional for further information.
If You Already Have a Will
It is very easy to add a codicil to your will, which designates Pavek Museum as one of your beneficiaries.
Full Legal Name of Pavek Museum: Pavek Museum of Broadcasting Federal Tax I.D. Number: 41-1573809
Please let us know if you have included Pavek Museum in your plans.
Life Insurance
A gift of your life insurance is a excellent way to make a contribution to the Pavek Museum. If you have a life insurance policy that is no longer needed, consider making a gift of your policy. Contact your insurance provider, request a beneficiary designation form and include Pavek Museum as the beneficiary.
Support The Pavek Through Your Retirement Plan
Planned Giving through your retirement plan is a great way to make a gift to the Pavek Museum. Read more about some of the benefits below.
Retirement Plan Assets
Donating part or all of your unused retirement assets such as a gift from your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plan is an excellent way to make a gift.
There are many great benefits to donating retirement assets:
- Your heirs would avoid income tax on any retirement assets funded on pre-tax basis.
- Receive potential estate tax savings from an estate tax deduction.
- Avoid potential estate tax on retirement assets.
To leave your retirement assets to the Pavek Museum, you will need to complete the beneficiary designation form provided by your retirement plan. When you make the Pavek Museum a beneficiary, we will benefit from the full value of your gift because your assets will not be taxed at your death. Your estate will also benefit from an estate tax charitable deduction for the gift.
IRA Distributions
At age 70, IRA owners are required by law to take mandatory minimum distributions. An amazing way to make tax-free gifts, transfers to the Pavek Museum must be made directly from the IRA or by writing a check from the IRA up to a $100,000 limit. Now that the IRA Charitable Rollover legislation is passed permanently, this enables donors to plan each year in advance.
Other Ways To Give To The Pavek
Gifts of Stock
Donating stock is a great way to help the Pavek! You can deduct the fair market value and you owe no tax on the stock’s appreciation. Contact us with your name, the type of stock, and the number of shares held.
Family Foundations
Make a grant to the Pavek from your family foundation! Foundations are required to distribute 5% of their assets yearly to charity. Help us fund general operations or specific projects and interests with a gift.
Donor Advised Funds
Make an irrevocable contribution to the Pavek with a fund you establish, and then claim a charitable deduction for income tax purposes. This is a great way to pursue individualized giving as well as acquiring the tax advantages of doing so.
Charitable Gift Annuity
In exchange for a gift of cash or stock, the Pavek Museum will make an annual payment to you or your loved one. The remainder of the gift will then pass to the Pavek Museum after your death.
CGA’s can be established with a gift of $10,000 or more, and qualify you for an immediate income tax deduction. Appreciated capital gains may receive preferential tax treatment, and a portion of the annuity’s income is also tax-free! Call us to find out more.
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts
You can also provide annuities to beneficiaries of your choice through a Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust. The income can continue for the lifetimes of the beneficiaries you name, a fixed term of no more than 20 years, or a combination of the two.
Charitable Lead Trusts
This gift plan allows you to transfer assets to family members at a reduced tax liability while also helping the Pavek Museum.
Questions? We are here to help. You can reach us by email or by calling 952-926-8198.